Hey there! My name is Rehn, a millennial who’s been on an amazing journey towards self-discovery.


I didn’t expect that I would be spending my twenties and early thirties deep in anxiety, panic attacks and countless sleepless nights.


I felt like everything around me was crumbling down and I felt I had to go through it all alone. I even thought that maybe that was everything my life is ever going to be.


This was until I slowly opened myself up to things that called out to me: the spirituality of the Tarot, self-improvement, journalling and the concept of manifestation.


This is when everything started to change for the better.


Now, I live the most authentic life I could ever imagine. I understand why people might think it’s odd. I am always encouraged by those who care about me to go back to the tried and tested way of living that society has approved of. 


For the sake of safety and security, I often hear comments about conforming and following the path that those before me have already taken. I did spend a good chunk of my adult life heeding these advice and yet I always found myself dissatisfied and longing for something else.


Embracing the ideas that truly resonate with me has empowered me to pursue MY LIFE wholeheartedly, not readily giving into the opinions of the outside world. 


Today, I experience great mindfulness and no anxiety by living in light and gratitude. This is the most connected to my true nature I’ve been and I want to share everything I’ve learned and still am learning to those who are on a simillar path. 



For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with Tarot readings. It was interesting to me how a bunch of cards were able to “tell peoples’ fortunes” and how people were actually keen to hear their future being predicted.

Deep within, I knew that predicting the future is not necessarily a skill I’d want to have. I realize now that what attracts me to the Tarot is the underlying messages it contains about the Eternal Truth. For me, reading Tarot spreads is like reading a nice little handbook that gives me a glimpse of the powerful Truth. 

One of the books that resonated with me the most is A Course in Miracles. I have been following and studying this amazing piece of literature for more than 8 years now.


Every single day that I read this text, I get so much clarity, and makes me feel better, lighter. This is the pillar of my self-improvement journey because of its simple and impactful teaching.


On the other hand, I discovered journalling when I was prompted to write down my thoughts on the lessons of A Course in Miracles. From then on, I found how helpful it is to be clear on my thoughts and remove all the clutter in my mind.


My journals document where I’ve been and where I’m going in the continuing adventure that is my life experience. I will be forever grateful to have come across these wonderful tools.

I know that as a reader, you may be tired of encountering manifestation as it has become the buzzword of the decade. Numerous content is out there and it has garnered a lot of attention because of the benefits it promises to bring.


I do not claim myself to be a manifestation expert. Rather, I would love to share everything I’ve experienced so far in embracing the concepts and the process of manifestation. 


I truly believe that I have MANIFESTED the life I am enjoying currently. Furthermore, I also believe that anyone can have the life that they genuinely love. It only takes a certain level of understanding and commitment to connect with the best version of ourselves. 

I hope this humble blog reminds you that you are never alone and that through it all, you are guided protected and everything you need is within your reach.


It is my goal to make posts that become your own little cheerleader. Something that gets you through those moments of doubt and empowers you to at least pause, take a deep breath and just give it one more try.


Blessings to you!