Tag: Tarot

Tarot Love Message

Tarot Love Message 2024

This blog post presents the Love message from Tarot for 2024. Note that in this article, Love is written with the capital “L” which means that we’ll look at the higher version of Love and not just its common iterations. Valentine’s day is now a major celebration around the world. Although not an official holiday, February 14 has solidified itself as a common day of expressing your affection and...

Beginner’s Guide to the Tarot – Major Arcana

For many, the Tarot is an esoteric and mystical tool. This is because Tarot readings have been associated with fortune telling and sometimes even seance. Though there is no harm in using the Tarot for these purposes, it is better to approach Tarot as a tool that helps with mental health. This is because the Tarot and its cards are very well-thought-out symbolisms and representations of the human psyche....