Albert Einstein once said “Is the universe a friendly place?”.
I don’t know his final response to this question, but he is a genius for contemplating on his perspective of the universe.
After all, we spend a lifetime here and whether or not we have a pleasurable experience depends on our relationship with the Universe.
A Course in Miracles states: “I have invented the world I see.” This thought may not readily sit with us as it means taking responsibility for our current situation, or better said, our perceived situation.
However, this is the whole point of perception which contains the power that we truly possess: we have the infinite capacity to edit and continuously give meaning to the world we see and the life we live.
In my eighth year practicing A Course in Miracles, one of the fundamental lessons I learned is that everything works in our favor. We only need to trust and believe that it is so.
This post will help you explore the idea that we are created with the capacity to decide on what kind of life we’d want to live.
And yet, whatever we decide on, we have also been gifted with a Universe that looks out for us.
So, worry becomes useless and irrelevant because everything is working for our greatest good.
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Correspondence is one of the Hermetic principles laid out in the Kybalion and is more commonly known by the passage “As above, so below.”
Simply put, above in the passage pertains to our mind, perception, thoughts while below is the physical reality, our situation, our state of living.
To interpret further, our perception dictates our reality. Yes, we have the complete authority and ability to dictate the things we experience day to day. The challenge here is overcoming years and years of conditioning from our upbringing and environment.
The requirement then is a conscious and empowered decision to start adopting a perspective which is different, and better than what we’ve been used to.
As with any change, the beginning is always the most challenging and requires the most willpower and effort. But the best news is, it only gets better from there. When we put our mind into something, the whole Universe always comes to our aid.
It may be an overwhelming thought, but if we can think for a moment that everything just might be working for our favor, it tilts the needle towards the direction of appreciation; that the Universe may very well be a friendly place after all.
What to Think In Challenging Times
Now, thinking that the Universe is a friendly place is obviously easier when things are going well, when current situations are palatable and desired.
Yet, the ultimate test of faith and belief in a friendly Universe is during moments of discomfort, challenge, and even pain.
The silver-lining in these moments can be the thought that this is a friendly place after all and that even difficult times are nothing but wonderful tools that still work in your favor.
Keep things simple and decide whether this is a friendly Universe or not. Whatever route you take, it will definitely be supported and manifested as it is.
The best news of all is that in every situation and in every moment, you have the capacity to establish again and again what your relationship with the Universe is.
Through this, you are in total control of the kind of world you’d like to see or invent, and reinvent.
The choice has always been yours to make and the time to choose has always been now.
What kind of Universe do you live in?
How are things working out for you in your current situation?
Answers to these questions may not be readily available but will always be there.
If we only approach each moment with an open heart, we will definitely receive that calm and quiet assurance that indeed, everything always works in our favor.